Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Into the Rain

It is 5:10AM and we are up. Well, I am up and Nathan seems to still be slumbering. So I'll start getting my stuff ready and eating loudly soon to be sure he isn't tardy for the 6:00 departure bell.

Rain in the forecast, probably unavoidable even with the early start. I'll miss my "B" bike with great clip on fenders, disc brakes (that don't get mushy and significantly less effective in the rain) and the big tires.

But we've all got fancy rain gear galore so we won't get cold. We swallow some grit from the riders in front of us, we might have to brake a little sooner and go a little slower. We might not have quite as much fun as we've been having these last few days.

But considering at least one of the big reasons why we're doing this, it sort of seems fair.

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