Alright, so none of us are actually cool hipsters, and not one of us rides a fixie. We have a couple single-speeds in the group but they are wimpy with conversion kits, front and rear brakes, etc. But hip we are not. Though Mohsen is very cool and has some nifty stuff, not sure that he qualifies as hip.
But since this place is run by a friend of a friend, I think it is worth posting because these are some of the coolest things I've seen. I have mountain bike pedals on my lame single speed so I couldn't even use these but man, I sure would be much cooler if I could...
They have loads of other awesome stuff at REload and if you have the bones to drop on custom bags or even not totally custom stuff, they look like a great company to support.
A good person not to support and perhaps even a good company not to support would be Tony Kornheiser and ESPN. The former for expressing the appropriateness of hitting cyclists while in your car because they don't really deserve to be on the road and are infuriating because they aren't going fast enough. The latter for paying the former for doing so.
Wait, don't believe that a public figure could actually publicly support assault on other human beings? I know that is a dumb question but just listen in:
So send a note to espn and tell them that they are not being very good human beings by paying this man money, click here and give them a piece of your mind.
100 Miles to Nowhere
This is a very intriguing event, at least to me. Check out the details here and then consider whether you are in fact a sane, rational person. If you are, this likely isn't for you. May is the time nice weather rolls around and you want to be outside. I can't imagine anyplace around here where we could do this outside, unless we set up trainers outside. In fact, to me, it appears that doing it inside is really the strongest thing to do. If I were to do it outside, I would feel like I cheated. Of course, I am not sure I could even do it.
If you did it around your cul-de-sac, the GPS map of the ride might look something like this:
But it is intriguing is it not? There is a rather wonderful video of someone who documented doing the event themselves in their own apartment available here. I don't know if we would actually be able to pull this together, but if we don't this year, I think I am going to have to make this happen at some point. (Of course this is me, Haglund, not the all-agreeing voice of the Velo Aces. The rest of this bunch may have more sense than me.)
Anybody with me?
I'm planning on doing the 100 miles of nowhere next year. Maybe a group effort?
Thanks for wriiting
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